
Very little literature exists regarding comparability of Ξ-potential values of identical systems computed by means of more than one of the four known categories of methods. Of the four methods, two, viz. sedimentation potential (SP) and electrophoretic mobility (EM) methods involve migration of solid particles immersed in liquid medium under force fields, and hence merit comparative investigation. The procedure for measurement of sedimentation potential outlined byQuist andWashburn (8) has been modified and improved upon. ΞSP and Ξ EM values for spherical glass particles as well as non-spherical rutile particles immersed in KCl and BaC2 solutions in different concentrations show discrepancies of the order of ±20 percent. This exceeds cumulative reproducibility error, and may be due to (i) imperfection in theory (ii) surface conductivity effect and (iii) difference in hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness values.

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