
This thesis aims at researching unchanged perennial farmland and grassland soil on the northern of Qinghai Lake basin and differences between soil magnetic susceptibility, chroma and soil particle size composition of grassland and farmland in lengthways profile(0-60cm). The result shows that the distinction of Xlf between grassland and farmland is smaller above 15cm, and farmland Xlf is finer than grassland below 15cm. The Xfd of grassland is finer than farmland above 30cm, which has a little difference below 30cm. Farmland chroma value is finer than the grassland generally. The lightness of grassland has increased trend and farmland has the decrease trend above 30cm, the lightness of grassland and farmland has no other changes below 30cm, the change of redness and yellowness in lengthways profile has a decrease trend from 0 to 60cm; the clay and silt content of grassland are finer than farmland except sand content; the sand maximum content of farmland in 0-10cm segment; 20 to 35 cm segment sand content decrease and began to increase from 35-60cm segment; the soil particle size composition has a big difference, in particular, when it is above 30cm, it has a little difference below 30cm.

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