
Acharya Sushruta is the pioneer of Kshara Kalpana, as he introduced Kshara Kalpana (Ayurvedic formulation) in one of the specific chapters. These alkaline preparations have many therapeutic usages and even proved to be effective in treating many disorders through external use as well as internal use. External applications of these preparations have replaced many surgical procedures. Kshara is alkaline substance obtained from the ash of herbal drugs. Kshara is a substance that has Ksharan (corrosive) nature means which removes Dusta Tvagmansadi (viti- ated debris of skin, flesh etc.) or vitiated Dosha, Dhatu, Mala. Now a days Kshara and Ksharasutra is routinely prepared by Apamarga Kshara. Acharya Susruta has mentioned 23 plants from which we can make the Kshara. So, we need more plants to explore for kshara preparation. We selected Snuhi for Kshara preparation and comparative physico-chemical study is done with standard Apamarga Kshara. Keywords: Ayurveda, Kshara, Snuhi Kshara, Physico- Chemical analysis.

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