
In plasma and milk the oxytetracycline (OTC) concentrations were determined following a single intramuscular administration of eight 10%-formulations to dairy cows at a dose of approximately 5 mg/kg. Two of these formulations were injected intravenously to obtain reference values of the drug's pharmacokinetic parameters. The eight formulations were compared and evaluated pharmacokinetically with respect to absorption rate, peak plasma and milk OTC concentrations, biological half-life, and relative bioavailability. The mean maximum plasma OTC concentrations, ranging from 2.0 to 4.1 micrograms/ml, were achieved between 4 and 12 hours post injection, depending on the formulation involved. The mean maximum milk OTC concentrations, in the range between 0.92 and 1.43 micrograms/ml, were achieved 12 to 24 h p.i. The OTC milk concentration-time profile ran parallel to the OTC plasma concentration-time profile. After intravenous administration the time for the appearance of OTC in milk was shorter (1-2 hours p.i.), the peak milk OTC concentration was higher (1.7-1.9 micrograms/ml) and achieved earlier (6-8 h p.i.), and the OTC persistence in milk shorter than after i.m. administration. Formulations exhibiting the lowest clinically noticeable irritation showed the most favourable pharmacokinetic characteristics: rapid absorption with the highest peak plasma OTC concentrations and good bioavailability. The plasma and milk protein binding for OTC was respectively 71.7 +/- 7.4% and 84.8 +/- 5.45%. Withdrawal times for milk and edible tissues are presented on the basis of preset tolerance or detection limits.

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