
The maturity of ovaries, gonado‐somatic index and size of oocytes in particular developmental stages during the reproductive period of spined loach Cobitis taenia and allotriploid and allotetraploid Cobitis were examined. The ploidy levels of all the loaches were determined according to karyotypes. All the investigated females spawned multiple times and the spawning period was from the end of May (water temperature c. 18·5° C) to mid‐ or the end of July. Some of the triploids had a longer spawning period which lasted until the end of August. Each female could lay several portions of eggs which differed in size and number during the spawning season. The relative proportion of oocytes of each stage in the ovaries during the reproductive period changed. The sizes of oocytes at the particular stages of triploids were statistically significantly larger than oocytes in the respective stages in C. taenia (diploid). The sizes of the oocytes (each stage) of C. taenia from both populations were not significantly different.

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