
Introduction: Finding sources of drugs among the species of genus Onosma of the local fl ora is actual direction. Many of the species of genus Onosma are weeds, some live exclusively on dry sandy or rocky slopes. Many of the species of genus Onosma have used in ethnopharmacology as anti-infl ammatory, analgesic, and wound health remedies. The purpose of this research is morphological and anatomical study of herbs of Onosma caucasica Levin. ex M. Pop. and Onosma sericea Willd. (Boraginaceae). Materials and Methods: The objects of the study were collected in North Caucasus (Russia) in June 2011. Materials morphological study herbarium specimens were stored in the herbarium fund the Department of Botany (acronym PGFA). Materials micromorphological study were temporary slides are the leaf, stem and fl owers. Results: The morphological results were compared with the Flora of the USSR. Anatomical characters of leaves and stems of the species were observed to be similar to the usual features of Boraginaceae anatomy. All results are supported by photographs. The nature of trichomes on the leaf blade has a major diagnostic value in determining the authenticity of herbs the studied species. Conclusion: The severity of downy leaf blade and the corolla, and the structure of the hair can reliably identify this type of raw material and serve as the basis for the development of the regulatory documentation for its standardization.

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