
Marine and ecosystem pollution due to oil spills can be addressed by identifying the aromatic hydrocarbon (HC)-degrading microorganisms and their responsible genes for biodegradation. Moreover, screening for genes coding for secondary metabolites is invaluable for drug discovery. We report here, the first metagenomic study investigating the shotgun metagenome of the Suez Canal water sampled at Ismailia city concerning its aromatic HC degradation potential in comparison to the seawater sampled at Halayeb city at the Red Sea and Sallum city at the Mediterranean Sea. Moreover, for an in-depth understanding of marine biotechnology applications, we screened for the polyketide synthases (PKSs) and nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) domains in those three metagenomes. By mapping against functional protein databases, we found that 13, 6, and 3 gene classes from the SEED database; 2, 1, and 3 gene classes from the EgGNOG; and 5, 4, and 2 genes from the InterPro2GO database were identified to be differentially abundant among Halayeb, Ismailia, and Sallum metagenomes, respectively. Also, Halayeb metagenome in the Red Sea reported the highest number of PKS domains showing higher potential in secondary metabolite production in addition to the oil degradation potential.

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