
The following pages are designed to provide information to the potential buyer of visual evoked response equipment, which will allow him to preliminarily select the system(s) that might best serve his needs. The data presented here are necessarily incomplete, and the potential buyer should obviously follow-up on possible choices by writing for the company brochures, and then conducting discussions with company representatives and with users of the equipment. Ideally, he should see the equipment in operation. Some of the features and quirks of equipment of this complexity cannot be conveyed in lists of specifications, even the most complete, and neither the following descriptions nor the company brochures are complete. Also, the choice of equipment may depend to a great extent on its capabilities other than visualevoked response testing (ERG, EOG, AER, SER, EMG, EEG analysis, general computing), and these are listed but not elaborated on in the following descriptions. We have not listed every manufacturer of equipment that can be used to record VERso One can build such a system in many ways, even starting from the most basic components. Building one's own system provides the optimum system for the user's needs but takes a great deal of time and knowledge. It is obviously impractical to list every computer, amplifier, averager, or oscilloscope that could be used; therefore, we have restricted these pages to more or less complete systems for VER testing (although they may have other uses as well). Even in this respect, the list is incomplete. * We have found the listed systems by using personal knowledge, discussions with a few colleagues, and perusing the advertising pages of journals. Some of the companies did not reply to our re-

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