
This study looks into the state of folklore education in both Bangladesh and India at the present time. The research also hopes to analyse the literary and cultural trends in folklore in the two countries that are neighbouring each other in South Asia. This study demonstrates how folkloric education in this region started to develop and attract attention from cultural analysts, academics, scholars, and folklore students worldwide through evidence gleaned from scholarly evaluations, personal correspondence, and journals. It makes a case for making this type of education widely available to create a society where people can culturally express themselves without fear of retribution and in a way that they feel comfortable doing so. Socialization is severely hampered in today's ultramodern, competitive, and fast-paced world. Consequently, it is indispensable to represent the structure of technologically-driven humans in addition to artistic spirits. As a result of the need for more relevant materials and information, conducting research in this field can be problematic at times. It is essential to better people's lives and to understand the potential, advantages, and disadvantages of folklore education in this region. This paper may pave the way for future efforts to promote this education for the local community's benefit.

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