
The aim of present work is to evaluate the laxative, anti-diarrhoeal and anti-emetic activity extract of Citrus limon by using different solvents like ethanol and ethyl-acetate. The methods employed are measuring fecal output in naive rats, loperamide induced constipation in rats, castor oil induced diarrhoea in rats and anti-emetic activity was evaluated using chick model. In fecal output in naive rats, the consistency of stools expelled within 24hrs after administration of extracts was observed. The loperamide induced constipation in rats using standard drug sodium picosulphate (5mg/kg), the faeces were collected after 8hrs and stool consistency was observed. At higher dose there is increase in fecal matter and compared with standard. The castor oil induced diarrhoea decreased total no. of feces was observed after 4hrs and these values are compared with control. In anti-emetic activity, the chicks after 10 minutes of copper sulphate pentahydrate(50mg/kg) administration there was an increase in no. of retchings (An emetic action without emeting gastric material) and the results are comparable with that of standard Chlorpromazine(150mg/kg).

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