
Infertility an on-going reproductive problem and tubal pathologies are considered as leading causes. Ectopic pregnancy (tubal), salpingitis, genital tuberculosis are serious and very common fallopian tubal pathologies in women of reproductive age group which incidence have been increased in past few decades. Better understanding of fallopian tube anatomy, physiology, function and sperm epithelial interaction is a necessity and also nature of epidemiology and histological pattern is important. Observational and prospective study done on randomly selected 150 females either pre-menopause and post-menopause. Their fallopian tubes as specimen were collected with greatest care and precautions either from Obstetrics & Gynaecology or Pathology Department of IGIMS, Patna. Samples were processed in Histology section of the Department of Anatomy, IGIMS, Patna. The slides were studied under the compound microscope. Data collected from this study was presented in tabular form. Statistical analysis was done using Microsoft Excel Software. Patients were mostly reproductive age group, 26-30 years (26%) and 31-35 years (20.6%) and most of them had completed their family and desired to have contraception mostly tubal ligation. 40 years and above age group patients had menopause and were mostly complaint of dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Samples received by hysterectomy with B/L Salpingo-oophorectomy (43.3%), B/L tube ligation with caesarean section (43.3%), U/L Salpingo-oophorectomy (7.3%), B/L tube ligation (6%). In most of these cases the fallopian tubes were normal. In pre-menopausal patients most of the samples were obtained during pregnancy (63.02%) because caesarean section with or without tube ligation was very common. Followed to interval phase (21.70%) of menstrual cycle because it was the most preferred stage for any planned gynaecological surgery. 11 Premenopausal women while 6 post-menopausal women gave the history of I.U.C.D use during their reproductive years. Patients with past history of oral contraceptives and those with present history of its use in both young and old women.This study concluded that the histology of fallopian tube was normal and the results were consistent with previous similar studies. Histological examination of fallopian tube was normal despite of any past history of IUCD or OCP use or different phases or cyclical changes of menstrual cycle in pre-menopausal women.

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