
The growth performance of Arctic charr of wild (W) and hatchery (H) origin was compared in a commercial coldwater recirculation system (Villmarksfisk, Bardu, 68°N, 19°E, Norway). The initial individual body mass was 115g and similar between groups. The rearing temperature was 9.2°C and the fish were held under continuous light (24:0 L:D). At the end of the experiment (day 240), the average body mass of the H fish was 451g compared to 231g in the W fish. The accumulated mortality of wild Arctic charr was about 40%; 10 times higher than the mortality of hatchery-produced Arctic charr (4%). The difference in growth performance and survival rate impose a great disadvantage of using this wild caught fish as compared to commercially available hatchery-produced Arctic charr in coldwater recirculation system. However, further improvements in the production chain (catching, live transport, quarantine, size grading, etc.) may still make production of wild caught Arctic charr profitable, especially as it demands a higher price in niche markets.

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