
Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs) are known to provide adaptive immunity to bacteria against invading bacteriophages. In recent years, CRISPR-based technologies have been used for creating improved plant varieties; however, the indigenous CRISPR-Cas elements of plant growth-promoting bacteria are usually neglected. These indigenous genetic cassettes have evolved over millions of years and have shaped the bacterial genome. Therefore, these genetic loci can be used to study the adaptive capability of the bacteria in the environment. This study aims to bioinformatically analyze the genomes of a common free-living nitrogen-fixing Azotobacter spp. to assess their CRISPR-Cas diversity. Strains of Azotobacter vinelandii and Azotobacter chroococcum were found to harbor a large number of spacers. The phylogeny of different Cas and Cse1 proteins revealed a close evolutionary relationship among A. chroococcum B3, A. chroococcum NCIMB 8003 locus II, and A. vinelandii DJ locus I. The secondary structure of the hairpin loop of the repeat was also analyzed, and a correlation was derived between the structural stability of the hairpin loop and the number of spacers acquired by the CRISPR loci. These findings revealed the diversity and evolution of the CRISPR sequences and Cas proteins in Azotobacter species. Although the adaptive immune system of bacteria against bacteriophage, CRISPR-Cas, has been identified in many bacteria, studies of plant growth-promoting bacteria have been neglected. These indigenous CRISPRs have shaped the genome over millions of years and their study can lead to the understanding of the genome composition of these organisms. Our results strengthen the idea of using A. chroococcum and A. vinelandii as biofertilizer strains as they possess more spacers with highly stable repeat sequences, thereby imparting them higher chance of survival against mobile genetic elements like phages and plasmids.

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