
Lipid bodies store oils in the form of triacylglycerols. Oleosin, caleosin and steroleosin are unique proteins localized on the surface of lipid bodies in seed plants. This study has identified genes encoding lipid body proteins oleosin, caleosin and steroleosin in the genomes of five plants: Arabidopsis thaliana, Oryza sativa, Populus trichocarpa, Selaginella moellendorffii and Physcomitrella patens. The protein sequence alignment indicated that each oleosin protein contains a highly-conserved proline knot motif, and proline knob motif is well conserved in steroleosin proteins, while caleosin proteins possess the Dx[D/N]xDG-containing calcium-binding motifs. The identification of motifs (proline knot and knob) and conserved amino acids at active site was further supported by the sequence logos. The phylogenetic analysis revealed the presence of magnoliophyte- and bryophyte-specific subgroups. We analyzed the public microarray data for expression of oleosin, caleosin and steroleosin in Arabidopsis and rice during the vegetative and reproductive stages, or under abiotic stresses. Our results indicated that genes encoding oleosin, caleosin and steroleosin proteins were expressed predominantly in plant seeds. This work may facilitate better understanding of the members of lipid-body-membrane proteins in diverse organisms and their gene expression in model plants Arabidopsis and rice.

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