
The objectives of this paper are to investigate the formation of complex words that have more than one affix i.e comparative forms of adjectives by affix combinations [um-an] in Toba Batak. The results show that inflectional comparative forms of adjectives by affix combinations [um-an] in Toba Batak result in various morphological and phonological processes as follows: (1) if affix combinations [um-an] is attached to adjectives preceded by vowels [a], [e], [i], [o], and [u], affix combinations [um-an] is is pronounced as [umm-an]sound with double [m]. (2) if the initial phoneme of a base adjective is a bilabial plosive voiced consonant [b], affix combinations [um-an] is pronounced as [ub-an] sound as its allomorph. (3) if the initial phoneme of a base adjectives is a velar plosive voiced consonant [g], affix combinations [um-an] is pronounced as [uŋ-an] sound. (4) if the initial phoneme of a base adjective is a palato alveolar affricate voiced consonant [j] affix combinations [um-an] is spelt as [un-an] sound but pronounced as [uj-an] sound. (5) if the initial phoneme of a base adjective is a bilabial nasal voiced consonant [m] affix combinations [um-an] does not change. (6) if the initial phoneme of a base adjective is an alveolar nasal voiced consonant [n], affix combinations [um-an] is spelt and pronounced as [un-an] sound. (7) if the initial phoneme of a base adjective is a bilabial plosive voiceless consonant [p], affix combinations [um-an] is spelt as [um-an] sound but pronounced as [up-an] sound. (8) if the initial phoneme of a base adjective is an alveolar rolled voiced consonant [r], affix combinations [um-an] is spelt and pronounced as [ur-an] sound. (9) if the initial phoneme of a base adjective is an alveolar fricative voiceless consonant [s], affix combinations [um-an] is spelt as [un-an] sound but pronounced as [us-an] sound. (10) if the initial phoneme of a base adjective is an alveolar plosive voiceless consonant [t], affix combinations [um-an] is spelt as [un-an] sound but pronounced as [ut-an] sound. The stress of the adjectives attached with affix combinations [um-an] is put in the final syllable, i.e. in [-an] of the modified words.

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