
Flowers in detarioid legume taxa (Isoberlinia angolensis, Microberlinia brazzavillensis, M. bisulcata, Hymenostegia klainii) initiate all 21 floral organs, are radially symmetrical, and have little or no organ suppression. All share a narrow, "Omega"-shaped floral apex and massive bracteoles at initiation. All have helical sepal initiation, starting abaxially. They differ in whether the first sepal initiates medianly (Microberlinia brazzavillensis, M. bisulcata) or nonmedianly (Isoberlinia angolensis, Hymenostegia klainii), and in petal order: helical (I. angolensis) or unidirectional (M. brazzavillensis, M. bisulcata, H. klainii). Stamens initiate in unidirectional order in each whorl except in M. brazzavillensis, which has a bidirectional outer whorl. An unusual feature is the ring meristem in M. bisulcata, on which petals and stamens are initiated. Overlap in time of organ initiation between whorls occurs in I. angolensis, M. brazzavillensis, and M. bisulcata but not in H. klainii. The carpel initiates concurrently with petals in all except H. klainii, in which it initiates with the outer stamens. The carpel remains open at ovule initiation in both species of Microberlinia. These detarioid taxa represent elements of the tribe having essentially radially symmetrical flowers, with all organs initiated and persisting to anthesis, but their specialized "Omega" character-state complex is shared with specialized taxa that have zygomorphic flowers and some organs suppressed.

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