
Locations and oogenic stages of eggs at the time of sperm-egg fusion were determined for nine gymnolaemate species exhibiting different reproductive strategies with respect to site of embryonic development (e.g., water column, introvert, embryo sac, or ovicell) larval type, and zooid sexuality. Ovarian, coelomic, and recently spawned oocytes obtained from freshly collected colonies between 1988 and 1995 were stained with aceto-orcein and examined for the presence of a sperm nucleus. All nine species are shown to have a similar fertilization biology in which sperm fuse with eggs in or near ovaries and egg activation is delayed until eggs are spawned. In species such as the etenostomeAlcyonidium sp. and the cheilostomeElectra pilosa (Linnaeus, 1767), which produce marierons oocytes that are spawned into the water column and have cyphonautes larvae, sperm fuse with late growth stage ovarian oocytes after germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) at or near ovulation. In species that produce few oocytes, brood embryos, and release coronate larvae, sperm fuse with late growth stage ovarian primary oocytes before GVBD, as in the ctenostomeBowerbankia gracilis Leidy, 1855, or with very early growth stage ovarian primary oocytes, as in the cheilostomesCribrilina corbicula (O'Donoghue, 1923),Dendrobeania lichenoides (Robertson, 1900),Hippodiplosia insculpta (Hincks, 1882),Schizoporella serialis (Heller, 1867),T ricellaria gracilis (Smitt, 1867), andWatersipora arcuata Banta, 1969. Fertilization success was high in all nine species, with 83 to 100% of oocytes at an appropriate oogenic stage containing a sperm nucleus or early male pronucleus. Gymnolaemate bryozoans may maintain high levels of fertilization success by: (1) concentrating spawned sperm from the water column using colony feeding currents; (2) localizing sperm-egg encounters in or near the ovary, (3) using sperm when available by permitting sperm to fuse with early growth stage oocytes; and (4) selfing.

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