
Six newly developed Quality Protein Maize (QPM) varieties were subjected to natural vertebrate pest infestation in Ibadan South-Western Nigeria. Data taken were statistically analyzed while probably level was set at p<0.05. Results of the experiment revealed that ILE-1-OB maize variety with the mean yield of 1.3 t/ha recorded the highest rodent damage of 2.77% while ART 98 SW4-OB with 0.74 t/ha recorded a bird damage of 10.73%. OBATAMPA which was the second highest yielding (1.19 t/ha) also recorded the highest bird pest damage of 26.03%. Variety TZPB-OB with mean yield of 1.18t/ha recorded the lowest damage of 5.92%. Maize varieties ART98SW5-OB and ART98SW6-OB with means yield of 0.85 and 0.98 t/ha recorded 17.2 and 10.3% bird damages respectively. Effects of rodent and bird pests were not significantly different from one variety and another among the identified 6QPM lines. Replicate was however significantly different (P < 0.05, 0.01) from one another for bird pest damage. Similarly, the effect of bird and rodent pests was not significantly different on seed and grain yield. The percentage damage were generally more from birds harvoc that from rodents. The vertebrate pests found associated with QPM include bird species such as Francolinus bicalcaratus (bush fowl), Ploceus cucullatus (weaver birds) and Lonchura spp (Bronze marikins), while the rodents include species such as Xerus enrythropus (Red legged ground Squirrel), Mastomys natalensis (Multimammate rat), Arvicanthis niloticus (Nile harsh-furred Rat) Rattus rattus (Black grey Rat) and Mus spp (Pigmy Mice). Successful QPM production in this region will therefore require effective bird pest control.

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