
Sodium hypochlorite is widely used in dentistry as an irrigant at a concentration of 0.5 - 6%. In this study we have compared six different brands of 3% sodium hypochlorite at different temper atures to assess the amou nt of chlorine level. Six different brands of 3%sodium hypochlorite were subject ed to physiochemical test to assess the free chlorine at different temperatures i.e. 27, 32, 37, 42,47,52,60 and 70 degrees. Comparisons of 6 brands of sodium hypo chlorite wer e d one at different temperature s by using one way anova. Multiple comparisons were made using P osthoc T ukeys test. Repeated measures anova was done to see if the release is different according to the temperature. N one of the brands of sodium hypochlorite s how any increase in chlorine content at different temperature s . Out of six brands used , the chlorine present in brands , i.e. V ishal, VIP , N ovo and D eor was in accordance with the prescribed amount. The other brands , i.e. D eor and C hemedent lacked the prope r amount of chlorine required.

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