
The systematic review aimed to compare and evaluate the effect of resin-based sealers and bioceramic sealers on postoperative pain after endodontic treatment. Two reviewers independently conducted electronic search in PubMed, the Web of Science, ScienceDirect, the Wiley Online Library, SpringerLink, Google Scholar, and the Cochrane Library, employing a complete dual-review process to ensure the inclusion of all relevant studies in the review. The search was carried out until November 2021. After selecting eligible studies, the risk of bias assessment was carried out using the revised Cochrane risk-ofbias tool for randomized trials (RoB 2). A total of 1,931 studies were identified from the electronic search, and finally 10 studies were included after full-text assessment. In all our included studies, the visual analog scale (VAS) was used for recording pain scores. Most of the studies recorded pain intensity starting from 6 h to 7 days. The results showed that there was no significant difference between resin-based sealers and bioceramic sealers in terms of incidence or intensity of postoperative pain at any point in time.

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