
In the present study, fast dissolving tablets of Salbutamol sulphate were prepared by direct compression method for better patient compliance and immediate action in asthma. The tablets were prepared by using synthetic superdisintegrants (Croscarmellose sodium and Sodium starch glycolate) and natural superdisintegrant (mucilage of Plantago ovata and Plantago ovata husk powder) at different concentrations as 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 %. The Plantago ovata mucilage was extracted from the seeds of Plantago ovata (Plantaginaceae).The tablets were characterized for weight variation, hardness, friability, disintegration time, wetting time, water absorption ratio, drug content and in vitro dissolution tests. The Drug excipients compatibility study was performed by DSC and IR spectroscopy and no incompatibility was found. The tablets were subjected for accelerated stability study at 40°C /75% RH and were found to be stable. The results clearly shows Natural superdisintegrants requires less disintegration time as compared to synthetic superdisintegrants. Hence present study reveals that the fast dissolving tablets prepared by using mucilage of Plantago ovata and husk powder of Plantago ovata as superdisintegrants having better appearance and rapid disintegration time. Key-words: Fast dissolving tablets, Superdisintegrants, Plantago ovata, Croscarmellose sodium and Sodium starch glycolate.

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