
The form and function of the craniofacial complex is determined by a complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors thus influencing facial morphology. Facial photographs taken in a standardized pattern assumes great significance in studying heritability of soft-tissue facial features between parents and their offspring. To evaluate the facial soft-tissue pattern of parents and their offspring with the help of standardized facial photographs and to find the degree of correlation between them. A total sample of 120 children within the age-group of 16-25 years and their parents were selected from ethnic Himachal Pradesh population. Standardized photographs (frontal and right lateral) of entire sample were taken and then traced. Twenty-four parameters involving linear and proportional measurements were measured. Statistically significant correlations between parents and their offspring were found for upper facial height, total facial height, lip length at philtrum, chin projection, upper lip to S line, Nasal prominence, true vertical to tip of nose, true vertical to subnasale, true vertical to pogonion, vertical lip-chin ratio. Stronger heritability was found between daughters to their mothers than to their fathers. Sons showed heritability from both parents for Upper lip prominence to E-line and True vertical to Subnasale. There was strong evidence indicating genetic contribution for both linear and proportional parameters. Highest correlations in inheritance of facial features was found between mother and daughter. Thus, parental data can be used to predict soft tissue facial form of offspring and information from siblings can also be used.

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