
Introduction: Local drug delivery agents (LDD) in the management of periodontitis has gained acceptance and popularity compared to systemic drugs for its decreased risk in development of resistant flora, opportunist infection and side effects. Tetracycline fibers and Nanobiofusion gel (NBF) are one such antimicrobial agents that have a wide spectrum of action. Objective: To evaluate the clinical efficacy of administering Tetracycline fibers and NBF gel as an adjunct to Scaling and root planning (SRP) in chronic periodontitis patients. Materials and methods: A total of 20 patients (40 sites) with chronic periodontitis having probing pocket depth 5-7mm are selected and grouped into two groups. Group A in which sites are treated by SRP followed by sub gingival placement of NBF gel, where as in Group B the sites are treated by SRP followed by sub gingival placement of tetracycline fibers. Clinical evaluation of all parameters are taken at baseline, 2 weeks and 3months. Results: At the end of the 3 months Group 2 showed greater reduction in the pocket depth and also showed a significant gain in the CAL (2.0 mm) as compared to Group 1.

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