
Aim: This study aimed to determine the effect of 2% Olive leaf extract and 2% green tea extract on the shear bond strength of composite resin to enamel following vital teeth bleaching using 40% hydrogen peroxide. Methodology: The study used thirty extracted human upper central incisors. Samples were randomly categorized into 3 groups (n=10). Group I- Control- composite was build-up right after bleaching, Group II - Bleaching with 40% H2 O2 and 2% Olive leaf extract treatment followed by composite build-up, Group IIIBleaching with 40% H2 O2 and 2% green tea extract treatment followed by composite build-up. The specimens’ shear bond strength was assessed using Universal Testing Machine. One-way ANOVA test followed by Tukey’s Post-hoc test was used to assess the mean shear bond strength among the study groups. Results: Mean shear bond strength of the 2% Olive leaf extract group was 201.70, 2% Green tea extract was 123.40, and the control group was 42.20. This mean difference in shear bond strength among the groups was statistically significant at P=0.003. Conclusion: Within the constraints of the research, it can be inferred that 2% Olive leaf extract and green tea extract can be used to reverse the effect of bleaching on the bond strength of composite resin to the enamel.

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