
The efficiency of the alcohol and aqueous excerpt from the Madrid plant in killing ratios of colour red cover beetle larvae and adults afterwards behaviours lasting 24, 48, and 72 hours was valued in laboratory research. Three dissimilar Madrid plant absorptions (1.50 per cent, 3.0%, and 4.59 per cent) were selected to stop the beetle's larvae and adults. The outcomes displayed that the Madrid plant excerpt formed notable degrees. Following 72 hours, the watery excerpt's adult expiry rate was 33.0%, while the alcohol excerpt was 60.0% at 3.0% absorption. After 72 hours, the alcohol excerpt is concentrated larval expiry rate was 71.0% at 3.0% absorption; whereas the watery excerpt's extreme rate was 66.0%. After it derives the phenomena of attraction and repulsion, the paper initiates that the Madrid excerpt in the watery form displayed the maximum level of pull, reaching 9.30% at the absorption of 3.0% after 72 hours, while the repulsion rate was 15.550% at the similar absorption and time. Following 48 hours, the alcohol excerpt of Madrid showed a pull rate of 12.550% at 1.50% concentration. Additionally, following 72 hours, a revulsion rate of 19.80% at 3.0% concentration was realized in adult beetles. The extreme pull rate of the watery excerpt for larvae was 0.00% at all absorptions, and after 72 hours, a comparable revulsion rate of 10.950% was realized at a 4.50% concentration. Also, after 72 hours, the alcohol excerpt displayed a revulsion rate of 19.150% at 3.0% absorption and a pull rate of 0.00% at all concentrations.

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