
Dithiocarbamates (DTCs) like mancozeb (MZ) and disulfiram (DS) are used throughout agriculture and medicine and have been implicated in neurotoxicity. Little research has been studied on the reported myopathies caused by these compounds. Their pathogenesis and mechanism of muscle toxicity has not been fully studied. The aim of this study is to investigate if DTCs alter striated muscle tissues in vivo. Long-Evans rats were treated with either MZ or DS followed by analysis of muscle biomarkers and metal levels. DS resulted in increases in serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), cardiac troponin, and myoglobin levels. Creatine kinase-MB serum levels decreased. Mancozeb only showed an increase in serum LDH. Both MZ and DS-treatment resulted in altered metal levels in the myocardium but not skeletal muscle. Ultrastructural alterations included damaged mitochondria and myofibril splitting. The presence of multivesicular bodies, and alterations of the intercalated disc were also seen.

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