
Introduction. The study of the possibility of correct free radical lipid oxidation of membranes in conditions of ultraviolet radiation by the introduction of succinate-containing drugs is of interest, since the search for antioxidant agents is an important area of research in experimental and clinical pharmacology. Aim. Evaluation of the comparative effectiveness of Reamberin and Cytoflavin (Scientific and technological pharmaceutical company “Polysan”, St.Petersburg) to correct free radical lipid oxidation of rats’ organism membranes induced by ultraviolet radiation. Materials and methods. The animals were divided into 4 groups and each of them had 20 rats: intact animals (1) which were held in standard conditions of vivarium; the control group (2) in which rats were exposed to ultraviolet radiation during three minutes daily; the experimental group (3) in which before ultraviolet radiation animals had a daily intraabdominal intake of the Reamberin in a dose of 100 mg/kg of succinate (20 mL/kg); the experimental group in which before ultraviolet radiation animals had a daily intraabdominal intake of the Cytoflavin in a dose of 100 mg/kg of succinate (1 mL/kg). Results. It was found out that in the blood of experimental animals a daily ultraviolet radiation during three minutes contributes to the increase of lipid hydroperoxides level (by 48-53%), of diene conjugate (by 43-48%), and of malonic dialdehyde (by 48-61%) in the setting of the decrease of antioxidant system activity in the blood of intact animals. The introduction of the succinate-containing drugs to rats in the conditions of oxidative stress contributes to the increase of the duration of rats swimming by 11-28% in 7 days of the experiment. The introduction of the succinate containing Reamberin to rats contributes to the decrease in the blood of lipid hydroperoxides by 16-22%, of diene conjugates - by 16-20%, and of malonic dialdehyde by 15-20% in comparison with the rats of the control group. The introduction of the succinate containing Cytoflavin to rats in the conditions of oxidative stress contributes to the decrease in the blood of lipid hydroperoxides by 23-25%, of diene conjugates - by 23-25%, and of malonic dialdehyde by 24-27% in comparison with the rats of the control group. While analyzing the effect of the succinate containing drugs on the activity of the components of antioxidant system it was shown that the level of ceruloplasmin in the blood of animals was significantly higher by 26-37%, of vitamin E by 25-34%, of catalase by 18-47% in comparison with the same parameters of the rats of the control group. Conclusion. The application of the succinate containing antioxidants in the conditions of ultraviolet radiation of the organism of animals under experiment leads to the stabilization of the processes of peroxidation against the increase of physical endurance of rats. The intraabdominal introduction in laboratory animals of the Cytoflavin in a dose of 100 mg/kg of succinate prevents the accumulation of lipoperoxidation products and increases the activity of main components of the antioxidant system in rats’ blood plasma, which indirectly exceeds similar effect of the Reamberin in a dose of 100 mg/kg of succinate in the conditions of ultraviolet radiation.


  • Многочисленными доклиническими и клиническими исследованиями показана эффективность сукцинатсодержащих препаратов при различных патологических состояниях и заболеваниях, основанная на повышении адаптационных возможностей организма к действию повреждающих факторов и способности поддержания гомеостаза за счет образования энергии [1,2,3]

  • The study of the possibility of correct free radical lipid oxidation of membranes in conditions of ultraviolet radiation by the introduction of succinate-containing drugs is of interest

  • since the search for antioxidant agents is an important area of research

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Н.В.Симонова, В.А.Доровских, М.А.Котельникова, М.А.Штарберг, А.В.Моталыгина, К.А.Шевчук, И.С.Игнатова, М.А.Кабар. Введение крысам реамберина способствует снижению в плазме крови гидроперекисей липидов на 16-22%, диеновых конъюгатов – на 16-20%, малонового диальдегида – на 15-20% по сравнению с животными контрольной группы. Введение крысам цитофлавина в условиях окислительного стресса способствует снижению в плазме крови гидроперекисей липидов на 23-25%, диеновых конъюгатов – на 23-25%, малонового диальдегида – на 24-27% по сравнению с жвотными контрольной группы. Внутрибрюшинное введение лабораторным животным цитофлавина в дозе 100 мг/кг по сукцинату препятствует накоплению продуктов перекисного окисления липидов и увеличивает активность основных компонентов антиоксидантной системы в плазме крови крыс, что превосходит аналогичный эффект реамберина в дозе 100 мг/кг по сукцинату в условиях УФО. The introduction of the succinate containing Cytoflavin to rats in the conditions of oxidative stress contributes to the decrease in the blood of lipid hydroperoxides by 23-25%, of diene conjugates – by 23-25%, and of malonic dialdehyde by 24-27% in comparison with the rats of the control group. Цель исследования – изучение сравнительной эффективности реамберина и цитофлавина в коррекции процессов липопероксидации, индуцированных ультрафиолетовым облучением (УФО)

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