
The present study is achieved for observing and evidence the effect of Datura AqueousExtraction (DAE) on the success the quick repair the cutaneous wound in thigh region in labrats which are infected with Saphyllococcus aureus.The study is achieved in 28 mature rats,those same age and weight (250±25 g), 8 month age and live at similar condition.The animalsare divided into three groups, 1st and 2nd was contain 10 rat (5mal+5femal) in treated groupswhile control group was contain 4 rat which subdivided into (4male+4female) and in allgroups were made surgical wound (superficial) in thigh region.The 1st (Datura) and 2nd(Gentamicin) groups were infected by staph. aureus with 10-8 titration of germs. After 48 hrthe both groups are treated the 1st by DAE 10 mg/kg b.w. and 2nd by Gentamicin 5% w/w aswell as sham-control subgroup is leave.The control group was subdivided into two subgroup,the 1st subgroup (standard subgroup) was leaved stay sterile wound without infection(superficial disinfection), recovery without treatment (self cure),the other were infected withstaph. aureus and leaved without treatment.The experiment is evidencing the quick healingof wound that is treated with (DAE), compare with the wound that treated with Gentamicin.There are no destructive change in microscopic histopathology due to less toxic effect ofdatura, as well as blood parameter is good evidence in datura group. Statically analysis wasachieved by SPSS v. 16.0 , there are significant results of datura compare with other groups,no significant results of gentamicine group and standard control subgroup while significantwith sham-control subgroup P< 0.05.

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