
The Kara astrobleme is one of the largest astroblemes known on land. Its diameter is ~65 km, the age is about 70 million years. The astrobleme is located at the northeastern part of the Pay-Khoy anticlinorium at the Kara River mouth region (Kara Sea coast, Russia). It is a unique object of impact genesis due to the presence of a variety of suevites and melt impactites. Melt rocks are products of the highest degree of impact transformation of target rocks. The diversity of melt rock impactites of the Kara astrobleme and obtaining their complex comparative mineralogical and petrochemical characteristics are important for solving the fundamental problem for studying of the typomorphism of the impactitogenesis products of melt rocks both – the impactites of the Kara astrobleme and other astroblemes in general. In the Kara astrobleme region there are at list two different types of massive melt rocks bodies – a cover melt rock at the Anaroga River (I) studied by previous researchers and an unexplored body of melt rock impactite at the Kara River (II) spatially connected with ultrahigh-pressure high-temperature (UHPHT) glasses just recently discovered. Our preliminary data indicate that the melt rock varieties of the Kara astrobleme have significant differences in texture and structure. The considered melt rocks are mostly composed of a matrix represented by a “mixture” of amorphous and cryptocrystalline masses of predominantly feldspar composition with a subordinate SiO2 content. According to the data of energy dispersive analysis the compositions of the studied melt rocks are similar and have minor deviations within the first percent. The difference in the shape of silicate segregations in melt rocks may indicate that the impact melt could have a high temperature with a shorter time interval for the solidification of melt rock II on the Kara River, in contrast to the massive melt rock I on the Anaroga River, where the impact melt had large volume and, accordingly, was cooled longer at lower temperatures. The data obtained complement the specificity of the Kara melt impactites, which may play a role in complementing the geological model of the Kara astrobleme. The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 20-35-90065; the analytical equipment has been used at the Center for Collective Use “Geonauka” (IG Komi FRC SC UB RAS, Syktyvkar, Russia); the author expresses his gratitude to Isaenko S.I. for analytical work using Raman spectroscopy; Tropnikov E.M. for help in performing microprobe studies.

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