
To compare the characteristics of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) by age groups, a wide range of clinical signs, including life-of-quality (QOL) indicators, and instrumental findings. A total of 110 patients aged 18 to 86 years with GERD were examined in accordance with the standard protocol. Two groups with equal numbers of patents were formed. A study group included elderly and senile patients and a control group consisted of young and adult ones. The elderly patients with GERD were observed to have a number of age-related clinical features and age-unrelated symptoms. The scores in the scales characterizing the physical health component and those in the general health and vital activity scales were markedly decreased in patients older than 60 years of age. No age-related statistically significant differences were found in the esophageal, gastric, and duodenal mucosae. Daily pH-metry in the elderly showed indirect evidence for esophageal hypomotor dyskinesia in the predominance of alkaline refluxes. The cohort of elderly patients with GERD was ascertained to have statistically significant clinical characteristics, and QOL and pH-metry indicators, which will be able to improve methods for diagnosis and early prevention in this age group.

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