
1. Introduction and end of life pathologies Norman Wolf and Steven Austad 2. Animal size, metabolic rate, and survival, among and within species Steven Austad 3. Hormonal Influences on Aging and Lifespan Adam Spong and Andrzej Bartke 4. Exploring mechanisms of aging retardation by caloric restriction: studies in model organisms and mammals. Rozalyn Anderson, Ricki Colman & Richard Weindruch 5. Cell Replication Rates In Vivo and In Vitro and Wound Healing as Affected by Animal Age, Diet, and Species. Norman Wolf 6. The Comparative Biology of Sirtuin Function in Longevity Daniel L. Smith, Jr., and Jeffrey S. Smith 7. The Role of TOR signaling in Aging. Matt Kaeberlein and Lara S. Shamieh 8. Mitochondria, Oxidative Damage and Longevity: What Can Comparative Biology Teach Us? Yun Shi, Rochelle Buffenstein and Holly Van Remmen 9. Comparative genomics of aging. Jan Vijg, Ana Maria Garcia, Brent Calder and Martijn Dolle 10. Changes in lysosomes and their autophagic function in aging. The comparative biology of lysosomal function. Samantha J. Orenstein and Ana Maria Cuervo 11. Telomeres and telomerase. Inter-species comparisons of genetic, mechanistic and functional aging changes. N.M.V. Gomes, J.W. Shay, W.E. Wright, 12. Cardiac Aging. Dao-Fu Dai, Robert J. Wessells, Rolf Bodmer, Peter S. Rabinovitch 13. Comparative Skeletal Muscle Aging. David J. Marcinek, Jonathan Wanagat, Jason J. Villarin 14. Aging of the Nervous System. Catherine A. Wolkow, Sige Zou and Mark P. Mattson 15. Aging of the Immune System across Different Species. Janko Nikolich-Zugich and Luka Cicin-Sain

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