
Innovation platforms (IPs) are perceived today as the best approaches to the development and promotion of innovations compared to previous satellite diffusion methods (SDM). Most of the previous studies have focused on the outcomes of implementing IP without addressing the underlying factors. The success or failure factors of these new approaches remain unclear. The present study seeks to compare the factors of the institutional environment that influence the results of implementation of traditional leafy vegetable (LFT) platforms to SDM results. Four case studies including two IPs and two SDMs were chosen in a reasoned way in terms of the importance or not of the market dynamics (whether or not there are any inputs market, LFT sales markets, establishment of formal or informal sales links, etc.) and the diversity of organizations (the existence of OP, importance of NGOs and support project, intervention of local structures, gender, etc.). These cases are presented following an analytical framework combining innovation systems and functionnal analysis. Data is collected through structured, semi-structured interviews, direct observations, testimonials, etc. The data collected relates to each stage of the implementation process and concerns the actors (types of actors, profile of the actors, relationships developed, roles, attitudes, practices, perceptions, etc.), the different activities carried out (entrepreneurial, learning, dissemination of innovations, investment in developed markets, mobilization of human resources, material financial resources, lobbying of interest groups), difficulties encountered and approaches to solutions. The method of analysis is essentially qualitative. The results showed that IPs as well as SDM are influenced by the previous existence of market in the implementation context. IP can not work when traders do not show interest in the product including TLV on which study focused. We recommend for scaling up innovations that IP initiatives take this factor into account to ensure the effectiveness of its implementation.

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