
The cocksfoot grass is a valuable early ripe forage crop with good yield and excellent feed quality. It is used to create hayfields and pastures and is a component of grasslands of meadows of almost all regions of the Komi Republic. However, the expansion of varieties adapted to the soil and climate of the North needs this valuable crop. For this purpose from 2015 to 2018 there was the research of the varieties and wild populations of the cocksfoot grass of the world collection for further use in the creation of new adaptive varieties. The experiment took place in 2015 at the experimental field of the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Komi Scientific Center, the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Syktyvkar). The soil of the plot is sod-podzol, medium loamy in granulometric composition. The collection of nursery-garden included 10 samples of the cocksfoot grass of various ecological and geographical origin. As a standard, the Neva variety was taken. The experiments were carried out using seedlings according to the scheme 80x50 cm, the plot area was 10 m2, four repetition. Varietal samples were evaluated by winter hardness, indicators of productivity of green mass and seeds. Meteorological conditions during the years of research allowed us to evaluate the winter hardness of the cocksfoot grass samples. As a result of evaluating 10 samples, wild-growing samples from the Komi Republic (42733, 43024, 45945) and Norway (41826) were distinguished for a number of economically valuable traits, characterized by high winter hardness, even germination and green mass productivity on average for 3 years - 21.523.7 t/ha, dry weight - 4.7-5.1 t/ha and seeds - 354-576 kg / ha. These samples provide valuable starting material for further breeding work.


  • At the experimental field of the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Komi Scientific Center, the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Syktyvkar)

  • The experiments were carried out using seedlings according to the scheme 80x50 cm, the plot area was 10 m2, four repetition

  • Varietal samples were evaluated by winter hardness, indicators of productivity of green mass and seeds

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Селекционная работа проводилась на экспериментальном поле ИСХ Коми НЦ УрО РАН Учет урожайности семян проводили путем обмолота, очистки, взвешивания отдельно с каждой делянки. Все учеты и анализы проведены в лабораториях ИСХ Коми НЦ УрО РАН. Развитие растений в год посадки проходило при достаточно благоприятных погодных условиях, что способствовало хорошему кущению и росту побегов. Различались как по температурному режиму, так и по количеству выпавших осадков, что позволило провести оценку перспективных номеров ежи сборной по хозяйственно-ценным признакам. В целом за вегетационный период средняя температура воздуха была на 3,2 оС выше средней многолетней. Средняя температура воздуха была в пределах среднемноголетней нормы (13,1 оС), осадков выпало 316,5 мм при норме 252 мм. Среднесуточная температура воздуха была 13,9 оС, превысив среднемноголетнюю на 0,8 оС, а количество осадков (297,9 мм) превысило среднее значение на 45,9 мм. Статистическая обработка полученных в результате исследований данных проводилась путем дисперсионного анализа [13] с помощью программ STATVIUA (Система статистического анализа, 1991) и пакета анализа данных Microsoft Office Excel 2007

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