
In the current discussions on the future of the automotive industry, two extreme opinions clash: electromobility or vehicles with conventional drive but powered by alternative fuels. The article discusses the issue related to modeling the energy efficiency factors of a combustion engine operating on three types of fuels (Diesel 100%, Biofuel 100%, and Hemp Oil 100%) as well as an electric drive powered by energy from a coal power plant. Analytical research was conducted based on the external characteristics of the engine's performance. The external characteristic of the Fiat Panda 1.3 JTD combustion engine was obtained on the Automex dynamometer. The engine operated on three fuels: Diesel 100%, Biofuel 100% (rapeseed), and Biofuel 100% (hemp oil). The Nissan Leaf vehicle manufacturer provided the external characteristics of the electric engine. The calculation results showed that the combustion engine consumes less energy at lower speeds than the electric one. At higher speeds, the consumption rates are at a similar level. The recipients of the research are both the demand side – that is, vehicle users, as well as future manufacturers and government institutions responsible for shaping and developing future mobility in the field of individual transport.

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