
Law is a sphere in which people live and in which they have the freedom to move, to transform, to do whatever falls within the parameters of the sphere, any attempt to break this wall is met with a force that repels its action and propel her inwards. We humans live within this sphere and are guided by legal rules that guide our actions so that we do not cross the line of legality, and any deviation is sanctioned as such. People's relationships are not limited only to the perimeter of a country. Thanks to the possibilities offered by the technologies of the 21st century, we can physically be in a state but we can contract from a distance, we can form friendships, we can communicate, more recently in the United Arab Emirates it is even possible to divorce at a distance by sending a message from the husband , to the wife that they are divorcing, however to be effectively divorced a judge's decision will be needed. Technologies make themselves felt more and more in our lives, and we make room for them, because they make our lives easier and offer us possibilities that sometimes we cannot actually fulfill. However, the right cannot be removed, rather, it is extended by the fact that it must also cover actions in the area of technology. Law develops and evolves along with the needs of society. In the times when people with a certain citizenship are not so tied to that state, in the times when they can be anywhere in this world, can work anywhere, in all these places and not only can find happiness and get married. At that moment the physical border between the states has dispersed and that man becomes a simple man living on this earth without being too tied to a certain state jurisdiction. Today, perhaps more than ever, we need states to collaborate, to realize the necessary prerequisites so that people do not encounter legal obstacles in marrying or working in another country. A concerted effort of all legislations is needed to work out the legal aspects involved in a marriage. One of the most beautiful moments in life is getting married. As well as being a personal moment, it involves a number of legal aspects.

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