
This chapter will deal mainly with the transport of cationic amino acids and imino acids, includingnon-a-monoaminocarboxylie acids across the brush-border membrane of the guinea pig, rabbit and rat small intestine. It will be based on data from ongoing research in my laboratory. The aim of this research is to resolve a number of the differences between current views on intestinal transport of amino acids. These differences exist mainly regarding the number of transport mechanisms for cationic and neutral amino acids both within and between species (Munck and Schultz 1969a,b, Preston et al. 1974, Munck and Rasmussen 1975, 1979, Paterson et al. 1979, 1980, 1981, Sepulveda and Smith 1978, Robinson and van Melle 1982), on the question of the stimulating effects of a number of neutral amino acids on the transport of cationic amino acids (Robinson and Felber 1964, Munck 1965, 1966b, 1980b, Munck and Schultz 1969b, Robinson and Alvarado 1977), and on the question of the transport of imino acids and non-a-neutral amino acids (Hagihira et al. 1961, Munck 1966a, Peterson et al. 1970, Sepulveda and Smith 1978, Stevens et al. 1982).

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