
Histology of the cloacae of Rhyacotriton olympicus and representative species from the genera Ambystoma and Dicamptodon was examined by light microscopy. Females of Ambystoma possess sperm storage glands, the spermathecae, as well as ventral glands and dorsal glands, both of uncertain function. Females of Ambystoma examined from the subgenus Linguaelapsus differ from those in the subgenus Ambystoma by possessing more extensive ventral gland clusters and a shorter cloacal tube. Females of Dicamptodon possess spermathecae and ventral glands, but differ in cloacal conformation from females of Ambystoma and lack the dorsal glands. Females of R. olympicus possess more extensive epidermal lining in the cloaca than that found in females of Ambystoma and Dicamptodon, and the only glands present are spermathecae, which cluster around a tube in the dorsal roof. Males of Ambystoma, Dicamptodon, and R. olympicus possess five types of cloacal glands (dorsal pelvic glands, lateral pelvic glands, anterior ventral glands, posterior ventral glands, and Kingsbury's glands) that function in spermatophore formation, and vent glands that may produce a courtship pheromone. In Ambystoma and Dicamptodon, vent glands secrete along the medial borders of the cloacal orifice. Males of A. opacum and A. talpoideum differ from males of other species examined from the two genera by possessing more extensive vent glands. Males of R. olympicus possess unique vent glands in which tubules secrete onto the surface of vent lobes lateral to the posterior end of the cloacal orifice, and distal ends of the glands pass anteriorly, superficial to the fascia enclosing the other cloacal glands. The results from analysis of cloacal anatomy support other data indicating that Ambystoma and Dicamptodon are sister groups, and that Rhyacotriton olympicus is not closely related to either of the other two genera and merits placement in a separate family.

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