
Legislative reforms in the pre-university education system in Albania have paid special attention to addressing issues related to teacher status. In law no.69 / 2012, "On the pre-university education system in the Republic of Albania", these issues are treated in accordance with the requirements of International Labor Conventions, the Labor Code of the Republic of Albania and law No. 10171, dated 22.10. 2009 "On regulated professions in the Republic of Albania" amended. The law defines the teacher as the central figure of the school. In accordance with the recommendations of the ILO and UNESCO for the status of teachers, the Albanian law guarantees contemporary standards at every stage of the process for gaining and practicing the profession, for continuous professional preparation, scientific qualification, and career. The treatment of labor relations, relations with the social partners, with the associations and the community of parents and students, the definition of their rights and duties, salaries and rewards are components of the status of a teacher.
 The status of teachers reflects the social and economic conditions of the country, work culture and community traditions. The law treats teacher status as a key factor in developing the profile of a teacher capable of preparing the future citizens of an open and global society. The professional and academic freedom of the teacher is considered as an essential element of his status. Creating conditions for the exercise of civil rights related to the teaching profession, the right to participate in social and public life and to organize in trade unions are legislative achievements in line with EU standards and the requirements of international documents.

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