
With escalating environmental concerns worldwide, the shift towards second-hand car markets has emerged as an eco-friendly alternative to reduce the carbon footprint associated with manufacturing new vehicles. However, the lack of accurate and efficient price prediction mechanisms may impede the growth and efficiency of these markets. This study, focusing on the Turkish second-hand car market, contributes towards addressing this gap by introducing a unique, comprehensive dataset gathered from various online markets across Turkey, thereby offering a broad spectrum of data pertaining to different vehicle types, specifications, and resale conditions. The study employs both classical machine learning methods, specifically decision trees, and deep learning models to predict used car prices. This comparative analysis aims to assess the potential of these methods in improving the predictability and transparency of resale price determination. Despite the superior performance of decision tree models, the study found that deep learning techniques achieved comparable results, indicating their potential for further optimization and enhancement. The accurate prediction of resale prices could streamline the operations of second-hand car markets, increasing their appeal to potential buyers and sellers. This could, in turn, contribute to environmental sustainability by encouraging the usage of pre-owned vehicles, which can substantially reduce the demand for new cars and thereby lower the environmental impact associated with their production.

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