
Background: It has been known for a long time that the prevalence of allergy pathology throughout the world has been steadily increasing, this determines the need for regular screening epidemiological studies; high-quality allergy diagnostics makes it possible to identify the disease in the early stages of development, carry out timely selection of drug pathogenetic therapy, which, in turn, helps to significantly reduce the risk of exacerbation of an allergic disease and the onset of more severe forms of allergopathology. The general patterns of the formation of respiratory allergies include the age-related dynamics of the spectrum, the development of polysensitization, as well as the hierarchical value of aeroallergens. Purpose of the study: to study the spectrum of sensitization in people with respiratory allergies: allergic rhinitis (AR), bronchial asthma (BA) of varying severity, atopic dermatitis (AD) in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, which is characterized by a long period of flowering of weeds (wormwood, solyanka, quino ) - end of August end of November, cereal grasses (timothy, foxtail, rye, bluegrass). - end of February - end of July; The duration of flowering is related to the peculiarities of climatic and geographical conditions. Materials and methods: from January to May 2022, a clinical allergological examination was carried out on 120 patients with allergic diseases: of them 90 children aged 2-18 years, 36 children with AR, 24 with BA, 30 children with AD and 30 adult patients, 12 with AR, 12 with AD, 6 with AD. To study the total concentration in blood serum, we used Monobyte test systems manufactured in the USA; Allergen-specific IgE was determined using Alkor Bio test systems manufactured in Russia; standard diagnostic allergens were used for skin prick testing (JSC NPO Microgen, Stavropol). Results: In 75% of patients, combined sensitization to pollen, household and food allergens, 20% only to pollen and food allergens of different groups, and 5% have monosensitization to pollen allergens. Conclusion: Spectrum of sensitization to aeroallergens in the studied region of the republic Karakalpakstan is characterized to a greater extent by pollen sensitization in both children and adults with various allergic diseases, with a predominance of multiple sensitizations in all age groups.

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