
The article presents the results of an empirical study comparing the socio-psychological adaptation of migrant children and local children studying in secondary school No. 20 of Penza. A theoretical analysis was carried out and the problem of adaptation of migrant children at school was justified. Through theoretical analysis, it has been established that the difficulties in the socio-psychological adaptation of migrant children are quite often due to the inability to interact with the local population, problems in communication, which in turn stimulate the growth of anxiety, hostility, distrust of the new living conditions and the environment, etc. As a result of an empirical study, differences in the indicators of socio-psychological adaptation of migrant children and local children were revealed. In particular, migrant children have a high level of aggressiveness, hostility, the following forms of aggression are more expressed: physical, verbal and indirect. They are characterized by the use of physical strength, foul language, the spread of gossip, rumors, negativism, irritation, suspicion and insult. Local children have lower indicators of personal and reactive anxiety, selfesteem, they are more often than migrant children in school classes have high social status (active) and very rarely low (ignored). At the same time, almost half of the migrant children occupy ignored and isolated positions in the group. Among all the children (local and migrants), the impuntive orientation of reactions in the frustration situation is dominant, but migrant children still have an extrapunitive orientation and less expressed intropunitive orientation.

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