
Relevance. Religion permeates all spheres of human life: politics, economics, education, culture, medicine. There is no sphere of influence where religion would not leave its mark. In this regard, the consideration of the social doctrines of various prevailing confessions in the social life of a person is an urgent topic. Religion cares about the spiritual and physical well-being of a person, therefore, in the modern realities of the development of biomedical technologies, the moral aspect of human activity in the field of bioethics causes discussions in relation to such manipulations with the human body as IVF, surrogacy, abortion and transplantation. This leads to the need to consider these medical interventions from the point of view of the prevailing confessions in Russia.The purpose is to conduct a comparative analysis of the social concepts of Islam and Orthodoxy concerning bioethics issues.Objectives. To examine the existing approaches of Orthodoxy and Islam to bioethics; to identify the specifics of the doctrines of Islam and Orthodoxy in matters of surrogacy, IVF, abortion and transplantation; to compare the religious views of these denominations with regard to bioethics.Methodology. The study was conducted on the basis of a systematic approach within the framework of structural functionalism using universal scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis and generalization. Results. In the course of studying the doctrines of Islam and Orthodoxy in the field of bioethics, a comparative analysis of views on surrogacy, IVF, abortion and transplantation was carried out; similarities and differences of views of Orthodoxy and Islam on bioethics issues were revealed.Conclusions. The work identified similarities between Orthodox concepts and Muslim doctrines in relation to abortion, IVF, surrogacy and transplantation, differences are observed in relation to traditions.

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