
Background This study primarily discusses the links and connections of imaginary creatures illustrations between two ancient books: of the Great Wilderness(山海經) and Strange Animals Book(怪奇鳥獣図巻). And this study compares and analyses their similarities, and investigates on their historical links between China and Japan. The main aim of this study is to find the relation between two books, to explore the value of those ancient books and to investigate their potential of application to contemporary design and other areas. Methods Literature research: By studying the imaginary creatures illustrations of two books in libraries and museums, and reviewed imaginary creatures that appear in of the Great Wilderness and Strange Animals Book, and then analysed them on a comprehensive and detailed basis. Case research: Representative creatures that appear in both Chinese and Japanese versions were selected for the analysis and comparison. Comparative research: By comparing the images of the imaginary creatures that appear in the two books, the study analyzed their links and relations, and then discussed their heritage in innovating and developing the traditional culture. Result By comparing the images of the imaginary creatures that appear in the two books, the study found the relation between them, identified their similarities, and analyzed their differences. The imaginary creatures in of the Great Wilderness gave a big influence to the creation of Strange Animals Book as a reference. The imaginary creatures after the integration of the Japanese local imaginary creatures culture system and gradually evolved into a variety of Japanese imaginary creatures images that some are still active now. Although of the Great Wilderness was written hundreds of years ago, it remains a creative gem that offers insight for innovation. A close correlation exists between valuable cultural inheritance and innovation. Conclusion According to the description and images of various imaginary creatures in of the Great Wilderness, the imaginary creatures are used as a reference in the creation of Strange Animals Book for depicting cultural elements from China. A number of them have been disseminated through local Japanese culture, and many classic Japanese monsters images are still well known today, such as Tengu(天狗). And with the evolution of these traditional images, they were known and loved by more people, and were used in various fields. Important traditional books such as “The Classic of the Great Wilderness” and Strange Animals Book are priceless sources for creating contemporary design and inspiration. Those ancient books left a great wealth on the art of thinking and imagination, so they are worth letting more people learn and study their mystery.

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