
This work was done to compare the qualities of soaps produced using locally made alkali and industrial made alkali. Hot method was used in the production of the soaps. The average value ± standard error of chemical parameters of the palm kernel oil were as follows; relative density (g/ml) (0.91±0.07, 0.89-0.910), saponification value (mg/KOH/g) (249.18±1.40, 189-199), iodine value (I2/100g) (18.74±0.86, 50-55), free fatty acid (mg KOH/g) (1.719±0.009, <0.5), acid value (mg/KOH/g) (3.60±0.06, ≤30). The quality parameters of soaps such as; foam stability, total fatty matter and moisture content were analyzed. The value ± standard error of the properties of soap produced with local alkali gotten from palm bunch and industrial alkali were as follows; foam stability (min-1) (4.8±0.65, 3.5±0.40), total fatty matter (72, 75), moisture content (%) (13.0, 8.20). The result showed that palm bunch alkali has almost the same properties as pure potassium hydroxide soap.

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