
The emergence of cloud computing platforms makes it easier to connect and collaborate globally without setting up additional infrastructures such as servers and data centers. This causes the emergence of threats to data security against digital information. This security threat can be overcome by cryptography. Examples of cryptographic algorithms are RSA and NTRU. The main concern that arises in this research is how to perform a comparative analysis between asymmetric cryptographic algorithms, RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) and NTRU (Nth-Degree Truncated Polynomial Ring) algorithms and their implementation in cloud storage. Comparison of performance between the RSA and NTRU algorithms at security levels 80, 112, 128, 160, 192, and 256 bits by running 5 – 1000 data, the results obtained that the running time of the key generation process and encryption of the NTRU algorithm is more efficient than the RSA algorithm. Wiener's Attack test on the RSA algorithm and LLL Lattice Basis Reduction on the NTRU algorithm. NTRU algorithm has a more secure level of resilience, so that it can be said that the NTRU algorithm is more recommended for cloud storage security.

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