
Despite the benefits that nonpharmacologic methods of pain management have to offer, nurses cite barriers that inhibit their use in practice. The purpose of this research study was to compare the perceptions of prelicensed student nurses (SNs) and registered nurses (RNs) toward nonpharmacologic methods of pain management. A sample size of 64 students and 49 RNs was recruited. Each participant completed a questionnaire about their use and perceptions nonpharmacologic pain control methods. Sixty-nine percent of RNs reported a stronger belief that nonpharmacologic methods gave relief to their patients compared with 59% of SNs (p = .028). Seventy-five percent of student nurses felt they had adequate education about nonpharmacologic pain modalities compared with 51% of RN who felt less than adequately educated (p = .016). These findings highlight the need for education about nonpharmacologic approaches to pain management. Applications of these findings may decrease barriers to the use of nonpharmacologic methods of pain management.

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