
Semiclassical approaches to the computation of spectral line parameters stay up to nowadays one of the working tools complementary to refined but costly quantum-mechanical methods. Using of the trajectory concept together with quantum treatment of internal molecular motions imposes however the hypothesis of rotation–translation decoupling and translational motion governed by the isotropic potential. When a posteori justified for small heavy colliders, this hypothesis appears as doubtful for long polyatomic molecules. At the same time, purely classical methods, even requiring the artificial procedure of the correspondence principle with quantum mechanics, easily take into account the rototranslational energy transfer through the trajectory governed by the full anisotropic potential. The infrared line broadening of a typically classical C 2H 2–Ar system at various temperatures is analyzed here from these two different points of view. When a refined ab initio potential is chosen to represent the interaction energy, the semiclassical approach leads to a visible overestimation of the line broadening for all values of the rotational quantum number and for all temperatures studied whereas the fully classical treatment gives a quite satisfactory prediction. These fully classical computations show that even for C 2H 2–Ar the rototranslational coupling is quite important, and variations of the translational motion parameters during collisions produce detectable changes in rotation. When, for the sake of a meaningful comparison with the semiclassical approach, the isotropic trajectories are imposed within the classical method, this leads to smaller line widths; the effect strongly depends, however, on the peculiarities of potential energy surface, temperature, and rotational quantum number value.

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