
The movement characteristics of the sperm and their flagella obtained from a lancelet and 35 species from almost all orders of fishes were examined using high-speed video microscopy. The aim was to clarify the relationship between the motility parameters of the spermatozoa having different morphologies and how these motility parameters affect the swimming speed of the spermatozoa. The motility parameters representing the flagellar waveform, the wavelength, and the amplitude were neither very different between the spermatozoa of the different species nor related to the swimming speed. In contrast, the beat frequency was remarkably changed in the different spermatozoa and was proportional to the swimming speed. The maximum shear angle of the flagellar wave, which is directly related to the maximum sliding displacement between the doublet microtubules, remained nearly constant while the beat frequency varied widely; therefore, the spermatozoa beat in the constant sliding displacement mode. An analysis of the relationship between swimming speed and flagellar length revealed that short flagella were at a disadvantage in developing swimming speed; however, so were extra-long flagella. The ratio of the swimming speed to the wave velocity calculated from the wavelength and the beat frequency depended on the distance from the glass surface. The swimming speeds calculated using the original resistive-force theory were greater than the measured values. To rationalize the measured values, the ratio between the normal and tangential drag coefficient in the resistive-force theory was corrected; namely, 1.99 at 1 μm and 1.63 at 3 μm from the glass surface.

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