
The article deals with a number of author's methods of research: socio-political forecasting of migration processes, typing of indicators of departmental reporting on migration, political-legal evaluation of the development of processes of immigrants’ adaptation in receiving countries. From the point of view of the authors of the article migration process, is a social process aimed at mastering the experience of territorial movement and readiness for changing territorial status. It develops evolutionarily in three stages: 1) the formation of territorial mobility of the population; 2) resettlement, implementation of potential readiness for migration mobility; 3) the final one is the survival and adaptation of migrants in the places of settlement. Regulating the adaptation process is an important part of state's migration policy. In turn, migration policy is a system of commonly recognized ideas and conceptually consolidated means generally accepted at the level of power structures, by which, first of all, the state, as well as other public institutions, being adhered to certain principles, strive to achieve the goals set, and is implemented in accordance with the principles that constitute the fundamental basis of the State. A comparative analysis of the adaptive state migration policy in Russia, Germany (as the main recipient with the most developed system of adaptation of migrants) has been carried out. The process of adaptation of foreign nationals, the influence of local authorities and civil society entities on the regulation of inclusion of immigrants in the host society has been studied.

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