
In light of the growing influence of the #MeToo movement, the portrayal of female victims of sexual assault has gained significant attention in the media. This research paper undertakes a comparative analysis of language structures and metaphors employed in news coverage, specifically examining the cases of Shiori Ito and Kris Wu. The objective of this study is to investigate the linguistic components used in news reports from various Chinese and Western media outlets, such as The New York Times, China Daily, The Global Times, and the BBC. Through the examination of six carefully selected news stories, the aim of this paper is to gain insight into the overall framework of these articles and discern the media's stance towards incidents of sexual assault. On top of that, from the research, most of victims dare to narrate the details and processes of the cases. Meanwhile, the Chinese and Western mainstream medias have distinctive approaches to report news about sexual assault case, as well as to anti-sexual assault reports especially for #MeToo movement that received increasing attentions from global world.

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